Praca w USA
Independent, czyli niezależny!! Chcesz na własną rękę lub z pomocą przyjaciół znaleźć dobrze płatną, satysfakcjonującą pracę w USA?
A może już to zrobiłeś i jedyne, czego Ci trzeba, to wiza J1, bezpieczny i komfortowy przelot do Stanów oraz fachowa opieka i doradztwo?
Pomożemy Ci zrealizować Twoje marzenia! Jeżeli dopiero planujesz pełną niezależność i nie wiesz, od czego zacząć, w FOSTER udzielimy Ci cennych, wskazówek. Program Work and Travel Independent to prawdziwe wyzwanie i wielki krok w stronę samodzielności.
Dołącz do nas - Zapisz się
The Exchange Visitors Program (Internship / Training / Professional Career Training) is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State. The general purpose of this program is to expand the educational horizons of international students / graduates / young professionals, allowing them to gain professional experience, develop skills and better understand and appreciate the US culture.
Traineeship may begin at any time of the year and may last up to 18 months.
Program Eligibility:Internship USA applicant must be over 18 years of age and enrolled as a full-time student at university or other recognized post-secondary institution or have graduated from such an institution.
Professional Career Training USA applicant must be between 20 and 30 years old, posses a secondary school degree and demonstrate professional skills through a university degree or a professional certificate with 1 year of work experience in a profession or have 5 years of relevant work experience.
Proposed practical training must be directly related to the field and level of study and/or previous work experience as appropriate.
All applicants must have received an offer from a US company of a course or career related training position of at least 30 hours per week before submitting their application. Applicants must also be able to support themselves with minimum of $2500 per month from salary, personal savings or a guarantor (parent, bank, etc.) for the duration of their stay in the US. The State Department is allowing up to 20% clerical tasks to be completed in each program.
All applications need to be submitted to one of Sponsor Organizations as for example AAG, CENET or ICCE.
Those international educational organizations take the responsibility for each program participant and help them in enriching reality of living in a different cultural environment.
FOSTER with its designated sponsors - ICCE- assists by offering students the opportunity to train in American companies / institutions for up to 18 months. All of the students involved in this program have a J-1 visa that permits them to train and receive a stipend. The appropriate health insurance is also secured.
From the host companies, the State Department is requiring a Dunn and Braddstreet Number a Tax Identification Number and a Workers Compensation Insurance number.
1. When can the trainees arrive earliest and how long can they stay?
The program is organized throughout the year and you can have the trainee(s) start at any time as long as you indicate your need at least 3-4 months in advance. We need to ensure that we will find a suitable candidate(s) and time in which we can arrange the visa. There is no minimum length of stay, it could be even 1 or 2 months, however the usual length is either 6 or 12 - 18 months.
2. Do I have to organize housing and pick up from the airport?
It's a good idea to make some housing arrangements as it's very hard for a student with no rent history and no social security (if applicable) to find affordable housing. Airport pick ups are not required. However, travel instructions are requested so that the trainee can reach the site.
3. The arriving trainees (may) have no social security number - can I offer them a training?
Yes! Students with the J-1 visa are eligible to train and be paid without a social security number. They should however show proof that they have applied for a social security number at the local office.
They have been admitted under Section 101 [a] [15] [J] of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as evidenced by the J-1 visa in their passport.
The work authorization is valid from the start date to the end date on the DS-2019 form located in Box #3. All nonresident aliens participating in the Training / Internship Program must apply in person for U.S. Social Security Numbers at the nearest Social Security Office. It is best to try to schedule this with participants soon after their arrival. Participants will need to have their passports with their visa. The process can take as long as 4-6 weeks. It has been reported that specific steps are being taken to improve the processing time.
4. Are there any salary requirements?
The U.S. Department of State requires that international trainees be compensated the same as their United States counterparts in the same position. In some industries, it is standard to offer unpaid training positions, internships or student co-ops. The sponsoring foundations allow for an unpaid traineeship only if this is the industry standard and the domestic interns in the same training position are unpaid as well.
A stipend is highly recommended to offset the cost of housing, transportation, food and other living necessities while in the United States.
5. Do I deduct taxes off their salaries?
Yes, but only Federal and State taxes. J-1s are exempt from Social Security and Medicare taxes.
6. What is the cost of the program?
There is no fee charged to the host company.
7. Is it legal for the trainees to change the training site or find a second jobs?
Generally it is possible to change the training site but it is difficult and very rare. Trainees are allowed to change the training site only if the host company is not fulfilling what was stated in the training offer and / or the training plan is not being implemented or drastically changed. Before any change can be made they need to discuss it with the sponsor and get an approval. Such situations happen very rarely. Students are NOT allowed to have any additional employment and / or training. The host company may dismiss the trainee if he / she is not fulfilling his/her duties. We always ask to be informed if any problems occur so we can advise both parties involved.
8. How do I write a training plan?
Creating a training plan is not that difficult as you may think. Although there are certain requirements regarding the form, content and the vocabulary used we are here to guide you through this process and provide any help you may need. There are a number of training templates you can view and even use as well as written instructions from the sponsors. Once you decide to have a trainee in particular position you can use the very same training plan for the future.
You may also ask your prospective trainee to take care of it or let us write the Training Plan for your trainee.
If you have any additional concerns please call us 011 48 22 3310050 or write an e-mail internship@jobster.pl
We are here to help you!
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